Air Force One
Air Force is the official air traffic control sign for a United States Air Force. This aircraft carrying to president of the USA. This aircraft made from Boeing company's factory in SEATTLE WA. Air Force One call sign was created in 1953. This aircraft falls under the all Air Force of USA. This Aircraft also known as the Flying Oval Office. There is also president's living quarters. It has 87 phones also can transmit live on board. There is a lot of details we did not know about Air Force One!
1) Air Force One is Technically a Call Sign
2) There are 2 Air Force Planes
3) There is a mobile Command Center
4) This Plane Were Made From Boeing
5) There is a Marina One too.
6) There is always doctor aboard in the Air Force One
7) It can seat 70 people
8) You'll never see it at the Terminal A
AMAZING! I didn't know nothing about this.